by Francesco Paolo Magnanti The “Liber amicorum” of Casanatense: travel notes of a 17th-century student. Ms. Cas. 1418 – Ms. cart. – 17th century (1618) – 14.5 X 10 cm – cc. 123 – Coats of arms and watercolour figures...
by Ilaria Vercillo Biblia vulgar historiata di Nicolò Malerbi (Venice, 1493). Among the treasures of the Casanatense, the Malerbi Bible stands out: the first complete translation of the sacred text into vernacular Italian. This version was very innovative, Leonardo da...
by Martina Pugliesi Also known as Tacuinum Sanitatis, the Historia Plantarum, Ms 459 of the Casanatense Library, is an encyclopedia of natural sciences containing descriptions of plants, animals and minerals with particular reference to their medical...
by Francesco Volpi Instruction for Easter issued on March 18, 1735 by the Vicar General of the Diocese of Rome Giovanni Antonio Guadagni. Although almost two centuries had passed since the Council of Trent, which, in order to deal with the rigor of the reformist...
by Martina Pugliesi On April 23, we celebrate Saint George, the saint who almost par excellence represents the ideal of chivalry. Although his cult is widespread and very ancient – it is in fact attested since the 4th century – the biographical information is rather...
by Francesco Volpi Despite the many years of cataloging of ancient books in the Casanatense Library and despite the fact that the already known heritage is rich in rare editions, one realizes with pleasure that the possibility of coming across texts of precious value...