A French history: the ms 233

A French history: the ms 233

by Martina Pugliesi Among the treasures of the Casanatense Library is the magnificent ms. 233. The large-format codex (425 x 305 mm) contains a Universal History in French, from the creation of man to the war between Caesar and Pompey. Written in French bastard script...
Death on the scene

Death on the scene

by Maria Lucia Violo Prints for the Octavaries of the Dead of the Arciconfraternita dell’Orazione e Morte of Rome That of the sacred representations for the Octave of the Dead, the eight-day period of sermons and other religious services that began on 1...

A ‘Florentine’ flautist

by Anna Alberati Music purchases of today and yesterday In the auction held by the Libreria Gonnelli in Florence (Valuable books and manuscripts) on 27 April 2012, a precious and rare edition of the 6 Quartets for flute (or violin), violin, viola and cello by flutist...
Watches. Water clocks and other dials

Watches. Water clocks and other dials

A great master of classical architecture, in De Architectura Vitruvius also deals with astronomy, mechanics, hydraulics and mathematics. In fact, he believes that since all the arts are interconnected, in order to succeed in any one of them, it is necessary to have a...
Rome in photo: the Cairo collection

Rome in photo: the Cairo collection

One is pleasantly amazed at these 81 small photo albums meticulously bound with flowered, almost childlike paper and 32 neatly arranged and subdivided binders with ‘library precision’ that make up the Cairo Fund. And the astonishment grows when, leafing through them,...